We all do this thing called Life really hard and well. We take our responsibilities seriously, pay our bills on time, say yes to helping others, try to always come from a place of support, kindness and love, and on and on….it can be so exhausting and a hard way to always be living.
What we as individuals are forgetting to do is experience the “Pleasure” in life. Our inner wells are being depleted and it becomes a daily struggle to just get through a day not on empty.
Pleasure is defined as a feeling of happiness, enjoyment, an activity that is done for enjoyment, a state of gratification, delight or joy, something or someone that causes a feeling of happiness, enjoyment or satisfaction. Pleasure then creates desire and desire leds us to our soul’s light getting turned on and our truest authentic selves appearing. When we feel this desire then creation can happen. The life we are wishing for appears with glimpses through our desire. Desire is where your divine purpose resides your full well of the essence of you. It brings an unfolding adventure to your destiny and why you’re here on earth now. It’s like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Your body is vibrating at a higher frequency, you can laugh easily, feel the happiness in your body, be present more to life experiences, believe and trust that your desires can come true and experience more and more joy! Now who doesn’t want more JOY? Most of us are scared of our truest desires. We shy away or say that’s not possible and we sabotage our greatest desires. We stay in our suffering instead of surrendering our suffering. I recommend running not walking to your pleasure and desire. Don’t be shy to embrace desire hug it, hold it, savor it, and tell everyone that you’re feeling this joy. People will want what you have because they will be seeing your light shining brightly.
Here’s a pleasure I keep reliving and reliving…that brings me so much joy and heart’s desire.
One of the greatest pleasure of late for me was having this delicious, rich, creamy, decadent, hot chocolate in Paris France at a Brassiere Café. It’s served w a small side (lol) of rich, velvety pot de crème. I still dream about it and how it made me feel so much pleasure and desire and to be present just in a moment fully.
Tell me one of your pleasures in life?