Sacred Shamanic Self-Care Retreat
During this 2-day retreat you will start to learn ancient shamanic practices. You will experience the tranquility of nature and the power of our animal guides.
You will learn a technique for accessing that inner wisdom you hold within your soul(your own well). By connecting to your own ancient wisdom through the wisdom of Pachamama medicine. You will be supported on your journey, nourish your soul, and be provided with the knowledge you are seeking. We will access that inner wisdom at our retreat.
Our Retreat will start Friday evening with an opening ceremony followed by our first experience with finding our animal guides. Saturday will be more ceremony, meditation, journaling, outdoor experiences, shamanic journeys, and lecture. Sunday morning we will close out our time together with a closing ceremony on the beach and a sacred offering.
I invite you to deepen your relationship with Pachamama and step into your ancient well of wisdom and sacred self-care. SPIRIT IS WAITING