/I am pondering "Enough". Am I enough, did I do enough, did I learn enough or when is enough enough?
Many people including myself at times come from this place of "I'm not enough". For example: I will exhaust myself just so my kids are happy. I have clients but they don't rebook or my girlfriends don't call me because I state my mind. These stories or beliefs of what we should or shouldn't do or be create the question "am I doing enough for them"? By these examples we see that it is about us and our stories that we believe about ourselves. When in reality 9 times out of 10 it is not us, it is them and their processes. If we can fill our own wells up with being enough, then we can operate from this place of fullness or "enoughness". If we operate from "I am enough" then the fear, doubt, lack, suffering, jealously and envy is gone. When we can lean into these corners of despair that might arise, the places of hollowness within us, there is growth and gold there. We instead will have this knowing deep deep within ourselves(our well) we are enough for sure. I am not broken. I am whole. I am perfectly perfect the way I am. I am loving myself in these places to wholeness instead of FROM lack or self abuse. I'm not pushing or seeking for stuff to happen. I'm just being present and in the now for each experience that happens for me. With filled buckets from our wells success can truly happen here on a much deeper level, people will seek you out, relationships will become richer, more opportunities will present themselves, and life is looking good again and that's ENOUGH!